
Card weapon:

  • Element: Element of each weapon

  • Weapon ID: Each weapon has only 1 unique ID, which cannot be duplicated and makes it easier to find weapons on the marketplace

  • Star: Abilities of each weapon. Buy weapons of random ability from 1-5 in the Shop to My bag-the higher the number of stars, the stronger the weapon's power.

Detail Weapon:

  • Character details include

  • Weapon's pictures

  • Star: The higher the number of stars, the stronger the weapon's power

  • Element: Element of each weapon

  • Weapon's Name

  • Weapon's Power

Note: Characters with weapons will earn more Rewards per battle.

Features to activate the link between Characters and Weapons of the same element:

  • When your character uses a weapon that has the same element as the character you've chosen, the character's total combat strength will increase by 3%, and of course, weapons have a different element with character, the total combat strength will increase by 0%

  • Please select the weapon you are wearing on the character to show the details of the weapon's information. Press Remove to remove the weapon from the character and back to My bag.

Last updated