
Rules for calculating Rewards:

Each battle you will receive the rewards:

  1. HRB Token Reward: HRB will be received based on your team's Total Battle Strength. The system will automatically suggest 4 bosses that match your Team's battle strength, divided into 4 win rates: 80%, 60%. 40%, 20%

  2. The experience reward increases steadily for the characters: Based on your team's Total Battle Strength.

Additional Notes:

  • Teams with 5 characters, 5 activation systems, increase the team's total combat strength by 10%

  • Equip weapons same element as the character increased by 3%

  • 5 Characters equipped with fully weapons with high combat power will have a higher win rate.

  • Higher levels will have a more pronounced reward ratio.

Calculation formula:

1. basePower of the characters: = (1000+ level/10)*(level/10 +1)

CharPower = basePower + basePower * charStarBonus/100

  • star = 1 ->charStarBonus = 0

  • star = 2 ->charStarBonus = 2

  • star = 3 ->charStarBonus = 3

  • star = 4 ->charStarBonus = 7

  • star = 5 ->charStarBonus = 10

2. When wearing weapons:

basePower = CharPower + WeaponPower;

If they have the same elements: bonus =3;

  • If weaponStar = 1 bonus +=1

  • If weaponStar = 2 bonus +=1

  • If weaponStar = 3 bonus +=3

  • If weaponStar = 4 bonus +=5

  • If weaponStar = 5 bonus +=10

Final Power = basePower + basePower * bonus/100

3. When forming Team:

totalPower = Total Power 5 charaters

If 5 charaters of 5 elements + 10%

4. Reward:

reward == bonusReward + (baseReward * sqrt(bossPower/1000))/2

Last updated